#Shorehealthcareheroes: Shore Physicians Group’s Certified Medical Assistants

Bethel Road Office: Left to Right, Gyorgi Szaniszlo, Victoria Carrero, Lisa Nickel, Theresa Grey, Kerry Burns, Patricia Taylor
We are proud to celebrate Shore Physicians Group’s Certified Medical Assistants who have been true #shorehealthcareheroes throughout the pandemic. The traditional responsibilities of these healthcare professionals include a variety of clinical and administrative functions to help our patients and assist our providers. With the pandemic, however, “traditional” was no longer an option, and they had to adapt and react to a new set of rules and expectations. In a matter of days, SPG consolidated its offices, and telehealth became the primary conduit for patient/provider interaction.
“When we initially consolidated offices and transitioned to 70 percent of our patient interactions via telehealth, our certified medical assistants didn’t skip a beat,” explains Lindsay Richter, Director of Operations for Shore Physicians Group. “Our Certified Medical Assistants were responsible for transitioning all office appointments to virtual appointments and assisting our patients with connecting to their providers. In addition, they were supporting the providers who continued to see patients in the office.”
Practically overnight, the medical assistant staff had a complete change in workflow. Everyday tasks became more complex with technology being the new way to deliver service to patients. They were doing most of their work virtually rather than seeing patients in the office, performing intakes, prepping charts and more. They even helped troubleshoot when patients had difficulty connecting via telehealth with their providers.
“We have an incredible team of Certified Medical Assistants, who adapted, came together and persevered through teamwork,” added Richter.
On June 1, Shore Physicians Group opened all of its offices, and once again the Certified Medical Assistants needed to switch gears and readjust to another “new normal” and brand-new set of challenges.
“Now that we are seeing 70 percent of our patients in the office, our medical assistants are screening patients, disinfecting surfaces and equipment, escorting patients in and out of the building, while completing their everyday tasks,” said Richter. “Even now, they do not go to the lobby to bring the patients to the exam room like they used to do. They go to our patients’ cars, and take their temperatures and screen them prior to them entering the building. They still manage to care for our patients who are on site and off site with a positive attitude, despite the increased workloads.
“Their ability to adapt has been incredible, and we are so proud of them. We would never have been able to support our providers and patients, along with keeping our facilities safe for us all, without our incredible medical assistants. They are all #shorehealthcareheroes.”