Author Archives: Joe Hilbert

  1. Understanding Heat Exhaustion: Symptoms and Differences from General Discomfort

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    As temperatures rise during the summer months, it’s crucial to recognize the difference between general discomfort due to heat and the more serious condition known as heat exhaustion. Both can make you feel unwell, but understanding the distinct symptoms of heat exhaustion can help you take appropriate action and prevent further complications such as heat stroke.

    General Discomfort from Heat

    General discomfort from heat is common and can occur when you are exposed to high temperatures, especially if you are not used to it or are engaging in physical activity. Symptoms of heat discomfort include:

    • Sweating: The body’s natural cooling mechanism. Sweating heavily is normal in hot conditions or during physical exertion.
    • Thirst: A signal from your body that you need to replenish fluids. Mild dehydration can make you feel uncomfortable.
    • Fatigue: Feeling tired or drained after prolonged exposure to heat or physical activity.
    • Irritability: Heat can affect your mood, making you feel more irritable or short-tempered.
    • Mild headache: Often due to dehydration or prolonged sun exposure.

    These symptoms, while uncomfortable, are generally manageable with rest, hydration, and moving to a cooler environment.

    Heat Exhaustion: A More Serious Concern

    Heat exhaustion is a more severe condition that requires immediate attention. It occurs when the body loses excessive amounts of water and salt, typically through sweating. Recognizing the signs of heat exhaustion is essential for taking timely action. Symptoms include:

    • Heavy sweating: While sweating is common in heat, heat exhaustion can cause unusually heavy sweating, making the skin feel cool and clammy.
    • Pale or flushed skin: This can indicate the body is struggling to regulate its temperature.
    • Weakness or muscle cramps: Dehydration and loss of electrolytes can cause muscles to cramp and feel weak.
    • Dizziness or fainting: Feeling lightheaded or actually fainting are significant signs of heat exhaustion.
    • Nausea or vomiting: These symptoms indicate that the body is not coping well with the heat.
    • Rapid pulse: An elevated heart rate can occur as the body works harder to cool itself.
    • Confusion or anxiety: Mental symptoms like confusion or anxiety can develop as heat exhaustion progresses.

    Taking Action

    If you suspect you are experiencing heat exhaustion, it’s important to take immediate steps to cool down:

    • Move to a cooler place: Find shade or an air-conditioned environment.
    • Rehydrate: Drink water or an electrolyte-rich sports drink to replenish lost fluids and salts.
    • Rest: Sit or lie down and relax. Avoid physical exertion until you feel better.
    • Cool your body: Apply cool, wet cloths to your skin or take a cool shower or bath.

    When to Seek Medical Help

    While these measures can often alleviate symptoms, heat exhaustion can escalate to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition. Seek medical help if symptoms worsen, do not improve after an hour, or if you experience confusion, unconsciousness, or if you stop sweating.


    Preventing heat exhaustion involves staying hydrated, wearing appropriate clothing, avoiding excessive physical activity in high temperatures, and taking breaks in cool environments. By recognizing the signs and symptoms early, you can take steps to protect yourself and stay safe during the hot summer months.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Angel Reyes-Diaz, MD, Primary Care Provider with Shore Physicians Group. Dr. Reyes-Diaz treats patients at Shore Physicians Group’s office located at 2605 Shore Road in Northfield. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Reyes-Diaz call 609-365-5300.

  2. When Does Someone Know They Need Surgery for a Herniated Disc?

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    A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, occurs when the soft inner gel of a spinal disc protrudes through a tear in the tougher outer layer. This condition can cause significant pain, numbness, and weakness, often affecting the lower back or neck. While many cases of herniated discs can be managed with conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medications, and lifestyle modifications, there are instances where surgery becomes necessary.

    Understanding Conservative Treatments

    Before considering surgery, most doctors recommend a variety of non-surgical treatments. These may include:

    • Physical Therapy: Exercises and stretches designed to strengthen the muscles around the spine, improve flexibility, and reduce pressure on the affected disc.
    • Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain. In some cases, doctors may prescribe stronger medications, including muscle relaxants or narcotics.
    • Epidural Steroid Injections: These can help reduce inflammation and pain around the affected nerve.
    • Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain, and practicing good posture can all contribute to relief.

    When to Consider Surgery

    Surgery for a herniated disc is typically considered when conservative treatments have failed to provide relief after six weeks to three months. Several specific conditions and symptoms can indicate the need for surgical intervention:

    • Severe Pain: If the pain from a herniated disc is severe and persistent, and does not respond to non-surgical treatments, surgery may be necessary to relieve the pressure on the affected nerve.
    • Neurological Symptoms: Progressive neurological symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or legs, particularly if they worsen over time, may indicate nerve damage. Surgery can help prevent further deterioration.
    • Loss of Bladder or Bowel Control: A rare but serious condition called cauda equina syndrome can occur when a herniated disc compresses the nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord. This can lead to loss of bladder or bowel control and requires immediate surgical intervention.
    • Difficulty Standing or Walking: If a herniated disc causes significant weakness in the legs, making it difficult to stand or walk, surgery might be needed to restore function.

    Types of Surgical Procedures

    Several surgical options are available for treating a herniated disc. The choice of procedure depends on the location of the herniation, the patient’s overall health, and the severity of symptoms. Common surgical procedures include:

    • Microdiscectomy: This minimally invasive procedure involves removing the portion of the herniated disc that is compressing the nerve. It is often recommended for patients with leg pain (sciatica) caused by lumbar disc herniation.
    • Laminectomy: In this procedure, a portion of the vertebral bone called the lamina is removed to create more space for the nerves. It is typically used for cases involving significant spinal stenosis.
    • Disc Replacement: In some cases, the damaged disc is replaced with an artificial one. This procedure is more common in younger patients with a single-level disc herniation.
    • Spinal Fusion: This involves fusing two or more vertebrae together to stabilize the spine. It is generally considered when there is instability or when other procedures are not suitable.

    Recovery and Outlook

    Recovery from herniated disc surgery varies depending on the specific procedure and individual patient factors. Most patients experience significant pain relief and improved function following surgery. Physical therapy and lifestyle modifications are often recommended post-surgery to support recovery and prevent recurrence.

    While conservative treatments are effective for many individuals with a herniated disc, surgery may be necessary for those with severe, persistent symptoms or neurological complications. Early intervention and a comprehensive treatment plan are key to achieving the best possible outcomes.
    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Dr. Michael Spadola, a Penn Medicine neurosurgeon.

    Dr. Spadola treats patients at Shore Physicians Group’s Neurosurgery Division office located at 155 Medical Center Way in Somers Point, NJ. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Spadola, call 609-365-6239.

  3. The Wonders of Wellness: Exploring the Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

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    Apple cider vinegar (ACV), a household staple has been hailed as a natural remedy and health tonic. Made from fermented apple juice, this golden liquid has a powerhouse of health benefits. From aiding digestion to promoting weight loss, apple cider vinegar can be a valuable addition to your daily routine.

    One of the most celebrated benefits of apple cider vinegar is its ability to aid digestion. Drinking a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar before meals can stimulate Hydrochloric acid, digestive juices and enzymes, promoting better nutrient absorption and a more efficient digestive process. Additionally, ACV is known for its prebiotic properties, which support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

    Weight management is another area where apple cider vinegar shines. Several studies suggest that ACV can help with weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness and reducing appetite. The acetic acid in ACV has been found to slow down the rate at which food leaves the stomach, helping you feel satiated for longer periods. This can lead to reduced calorie intake and, over time, weight loss.

    Blood sugar regulation is a crucial benefit of apple cider vinegar, particularly for individuals with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. Research indicates that consuming ACV can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels after meals. This is due to the acetic acid, which slows down the conversion of complex carbohydrates into sugar, preventing rapid spikes in blood glucose levels. Incorporating ACV into your diet can help maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.

    To incorporate ACV you can start your day with a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of ACV, take it prior to a meal, or use in your dressing for salads, a marinade for meats, or a tangy addition to your favorite recipes.

    It is also essential to note that ACV can cause dental erosion and GI discomfort if consumed in excess. Make sure to follow it’s consumption with a glass of water to rinse off any acid from teeth.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Tiffany Rios, Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator with Shore Physicians Group’s Endocrinology office located at 18 West New York Ave in Somers Point, NJ. To schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with Tiffany Rios, call 609.365.5300.

  4. Cool Comfort or Health Hazard? Understanding the Health Effects of Air Conditioning

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    As temperatures rise, air conditioning (AC) becomes a haven of cool relief. While it provides comfort and improves quality of life, especially during sweltering summer months, air conditioning also has health implications that are worth considering. Understanding the potential health effects of using air conditioning can help you make informed choices to enjoy its benefits while minimizing any negative impacts.

    One of the primary benefits of air conditioning is its ability to create a comfortable indoor environment, which can be crucial for preventing heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. For vulnerable populations like the elderly, children, and those with chronic health conditions, air conditioning can be a lifesaver during extreme heat waves. Moreover, a cooler environment can improve sleep quality, as our bodies require a lower temperature for optimal rest.

    However, prolonged exposure to air-conditioned environments can have some drawbacks. One of the most common issues is dry air. Air conditioning units often reduce humidity levels, leading to dry skin, eyes, and respiratory passages. This dryness can cause irritation and discomfort, particularly for individuals with pre-existing conditions such as eczema, asthma, or allergies. To mitigate this, using a humidifier in conjunction with an air conditioner can help maintain a more balanced indoor humidity level.

    Another concern is the potential for respiratory problems. Air conditioning systems can circulate dust, pollen, mold spores, and other allergens if not properly maintained. Dirty filters and ducts can become breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi, which can then be dispersed throughout the living space. This can exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis and lead to increased allergic reactions. Regular maintenance, including cleaning and replacing filters, is essential to ensure that air conditioning units do not compromise indoor air quality.

    Furthermore, sudden changes in temperature, such as moving from a hot outdoor environment to a cold, air-conditioned indoor space, can strain the body’s ability to regulate temperature. This can lead to symptoms such as headaches, respiratory issues, and muscle stiffness. Gradually acclimating to cooler temperatures by setting the air conditioner to a moderate level can help reduce these effects.

    For office workers and others who spend extended periods in air-conditioned environments, there is also the risk of “sick building syndrome.” Symptoms of this condition include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue, often linked to poor indoor air quality and inadequate ventilation. Ensuring that air-conditioned spaces are well-ventilated and maintaining clean air systems can help alleviate these issues.

    Air conditioning can also have indirect health effects related to reduced physical activity. In hot weather, people are more likely to stay indoors in air-conditioned comfort, potentially leading to a more sedentary lifestyle. This reduction in physical activity can contribute to weight gain, cardiovascular problems, and other health issues associated with a lack of exercise. Balancing time spent in air-conditioned environments with outdoor activities, particularly during cooler parts of the day, can help maintain a healthy level of physical activity.

    While air conditioning offers significant comfort and health benefits, particularly during extreme heat, it also has potential downsides that should not be overlooked. Dry air, respiratory issues from poorly maintained systems, and reduced physical activity are some of the concerns associated with prolonged AC use. By taking steps such as maintaining AC units, using humidifiers, and balancing indoor comfort with outdoor activity, you can enjoy the benefits of air conditioning while minimizing its negative health effects.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Nashat, Family Medicine provider with Shore Physicians Group. Dr. Nashat treats patients at Shore Physicians Group’s office located at 401 Bethel Road in Somers Point. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nashat, call 609-365-6200.

  5. The Flip-Flop Phenomenon: Understanding Their Effects on Your Body

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    Flip-flops are a summer staple, beloved for their casual style and ease of wear. However, these simple sandals may have a significant impact on your body, potentially leading to a range of issues from foot pain to posture problems. Understanding the effects of wearing flip-flops can help you make more informed footwear choices and protect your overall health.

    One of the primary concerns with flip-flops is the lack of support they provide. Unlike well-structured shoes, flip-flops offer minimal arch support and cushioning. This can lead to various foot problems, especially for individuals with flat feet or high arches. Without adequate support, the foot’s natural alignment is compromised, leading to conditions such as plantar fasciitis. This painful inflammation of the plantar fascia, the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, can cause significant discomfort and hinder daily activities.

    The design of flip-flops also affects the way you walk. With just a thin strap between the toes, your toes tend to grip the sandal with each step to keep it from slipping off. This gripping action can strain the muscles and tendons in the feet, leading to overuse injuries. Over time, this unnatural gait can extend problems beyond the feet, affecting the ankles, knees, hips, and even the lower back. The lack of heel support can exacerbate these issues, as the foot is more prone to rolling inward or outward, causing instability and potential injury.

    Moreover, the flat, thin soles of flip-flops provide little shock absorption, which can lead to increased pressure on the heels and balls of the feet. Walking on hard surfaces without proper cushioning can contribute to the development of heel spurs, painful bony growths on the heel bone, and metatarsalgia, inflammation of the ball of the foot. These conditions can be particularly problematic for individuals who spend long periods on their feet or engage in activities that involve a lot of walking or standing.

    Beyond foot-specific issues, wearing flip-flops can have broader implications for your overall posture and alignment. The lack of support can cause the arches of the feet to collapse, leading to overpronation (inward rolling of the feet). This, in turn, affects the alignment of the knees and hips, potentially leading to pain and dysfunction in these areas. Over time, the cumulative effect of poor alignment can result in chronic pain and musculoskeletal problems.

    Despite these potential drawbacks, flip-flops do have their place. They are convenient for short-term wear, such as at the beach, around the pool, or in communal showers where protection from bacteria and fungi is important. However, for everyday wear and activities that require prolonged walking or standing, it’s advisable to opt for footwear that provides better support and stability.

    To mitigate the risks associated with flip-flops, consider choosing styles that offer more support. Look for flip-flops with contoured footbeds, arch support, and thicker soles that provide better shock absorption. Additionally, limit the amount of time spent in flip-flops and switch to more supportive footwear for longer periods of walking or standing.

    While flip-flops are a popular and convenient choice for warm weather, they can have significant effects on your body, particularly your feet, posture, and overall alignment. Being mindful of these potential issues and choosing more supportive options can help you enjoy the casual comfort of flip-flops without compromising your health.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Dr. Gregory Herman, Family Medicine provider with Shore Physicians Group. Dr. Herman, who has a care philosophy of moderation in everything and variety is the key to life, treats patients at Shore Physicians Group’s office in Marmora, located at 4 Roosevelt Boulevard in the Shop Rite Plaza. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Herman, call 609-814-9550.

  6. Go Nuts for Health! Unleashing the Power of Brazil Nuts and Walnuts

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    Brazil nuts and walnuts are two nutritional powerhouses that are packed with essential nutrients, including selenium and omega-3 fatty acids, which can significantly enhance well-being and protect against various ailments.

    Brazil nuts, harvested from the towering Bertholletia excelsa trees of the Amazon, are renowned for their rich, creamy texture and exceptional selenium content. Selenium is a trace mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining various bodily functions. It is a powerful antioxidant, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which can cause cellular damage. Selenium is also essential for thyroid health, supporting hormone production and metabolism. Just one or two Brazil nuts a day can provide more than the daily recommended intake of selenium, making them an incredibly efficient source of this vital nutrient. Regular consumption of Brazil nuts can help prevent selenium deficiency, which is linked to cognitive decline, heart disease, and compromised immune function.

    Walnuts are another superfood offering remarkable health benefits including high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Omega-3s are essential fats that our bodies cannot produce on their own, necessitating their inclusion in our diets. These fatty acids have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, and certain cancers. Moreover, omega-3s are crucial for brain health, enhancing cognitive function and potentially lowering the risk of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

    Integrating Brazil nuts and walnuts into your daily routine is simple and versatile. Enjoy a handful of Brazil nuts as a quick snack or incorporate them into salads, smoothies, and baked goods. Walnuts can be eaten on their own, added to yogurt, or used as a topping for cereals and desserts, providing a delightful crunch and a nutritional boost.

    The health benefits of Brazil nuts and walnuts are immense, largely due to their rich content of selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. By including these nuts in your diet, you can enhance your heart health, boost cognitive function, and support overall well-being, all while enjoying their delicious flavors.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Tiffany Rios, Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator with Shore Physicians Group’s Endocrinology office located at 18 West New York Ave in Somers Point, NJ. To schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with Tiffany Rios, call 609.365.5300.

  7. Enjoying the Waves Safely: Essential Tips for Beach Safety

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    With its inviting shores, warm sun, and refreshing waves, the beach is a popular destination for individuals and families seeking relaxation and recreation. However, it’s essential to prioritize safety while enjoying the sand and surf to ensure a fun and memorable experience. From sun protection to water safety, here are essential tips for staying safe at the beach.

    1. Be Sun Smart: Exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Protect yourself and your loved ones by following these sun safety tips:
      • Apply sunscreen with a high SPF (30 or higher) at least 15 minutes before sun exposure, and reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating.
      • Seek shade during peak sun hours, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
      • Wear protective clothing, such as lightweight long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses with UV protection.
      • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially in hot weather.
    1. Swim Safely: While swimming in the ocean can be exhilarating, it’s essential to be aware of potential hazards and practice water safety at all times. Follow these guidelines to stay safe in the water:
      • Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards whenever possible.
      • Never swim alone and always swim with a buddy.
      • Obey posted signs and warnings, such as flags indicating water conditions and hazards.
      • Be aware of rip currents, which are powerful currents that can pull swimmers away from shore. If caught in a rip current, remain calm, swim parallel to the shore, and signal for help.
      • Avoid diving into unfamiliar or shallow water, as hidden rocks and sandbars can cause serious injury.
    2. Stay Hydrated: Spending time in the sun and saltwater can increase the risk of dehydration, especially on hot days. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Bring a reusable water bottle to the beach and refill it regularly to ensure you stay hydrated and energized.
    3. Keep an Eye on Children: Children should always be closely supervised while at the beach, especially when playing near the water. Follow these tips to keep kids safe:
      • Assign a designated adult to watch children at all times, taking turns if necessary.
      • Teach children about water safety and the importance of staying close to shore and within arm’s reach of an adult.
      • Ensure children wear properly fitting life jackets when swimming or playing in the water, especially if they are not strong swimmers.
      • Set clear boundaries and rules for children, such as not swimming alone and staying away from dangerous areas like rocks and jetties.
    4. Know First Aid Basics: Accidents and injuries can happen, so it’s essential to be prepared to respond appropriately. Familiarize yourself with basic first aid techniques and bring a well-stocked first aid kit to the beach. Be prepared to administer first aid for minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites, and sunburns, and know when to seek medical attention for more serious injuries.

    By following these essential tips for beach safety, you can enjoy all that the shore has to offer while minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries. Whether you’re swimming, sunbathing, or building sandcastles, prioritizing safety ensures a fun and memorable beach experience for everyone. So, pack your sunscreen, grab your beach towel, and head to the shore with confidence, knowing you’re prepared to stay safe and enjoy the waves responsibly.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Dr. Nicole Leo, Family Medicine provider with Shore Physicians Group’s office in Marmora, located at 4 Roosevelt Boulevard in the Shop Rite Plaza. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leo, call 609-814-9550.

  8. Thriving Beyond 50: Strategies for Improving Women’s Health

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    As women age, their health needs change, and maintaining overall well-being becomes increasingly important. With advances in healthcare and a greater emphasis on preventive medicine, women can take proactive steps to enhance their health and quality of life well into their later years. Here are several key strategies for improving women’s health past the age of 50.

    1. Prioritize Regular Health Screenings: Regular health screenings are essential for detecting and preventing common age-related health conditions in women. Screenings such as mammograms, Pap smears, bone density tests, and colonoscopies can help detect early signs of breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoporosis, and colorectal cancer, respectively. By staying up-to-date with recommended screenings, women can detect potential health issues early when they are most treatable.
    2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial for promoting overall health and well-being as women age. This includes eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It’s also important to stay hydrated, limit alcohol intake, and avoid smoking, which can increase the risk of various health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and respiratory conditions.
    3. Stay Active: Regular physical activity is key to maintaining muscle strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health as women age. Engaging in activities such as walking, swimming, yoga, or strength training can help improve balance, reduce the risk of falls, and promote overall mobility. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening exercises on two or more days per week.
    4. Manage Stress: Stress management is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being as women navigate the challenges of aging. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and mindfulness can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. Building a strong support network of friends, family, and community resources can also provide valuable emotional support during times of stress or transition.
    5. Prioritize Sleep: Quality sleep is vital for overall health and well-being, yet many women struggle with sleep disturbances as they age. Establishing a regular sleep routine, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques before bedtime can help improve sleep quality. If sleep problems persist, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to identify underlying causes and explore treatment options.
    6. Focus on Heart Health: Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in many countries, highlighting the importance of prioritizing heart health as women age. Adopting heart-healthy habits such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol, exercising regularly, and managing blood pressure and cholesterol levels can help reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall cardiovascular health.
    7. Stay Socially Connected: Maintaining social connections and engaging in meaningful activities can have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being as women age. Spending time with friends and loved ones, participating in community groups or volunteer activities, and pursuing hobbies and interests can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Social interaction also helps reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can negatively impact health and quality of life.
    8. Seek Preventive Care: In addition to regular health screenings, preventive care plays a crucial role in maintaining women’s health past the age of 50. This includes receiving recommended vaccinations such as the flu vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, and shingles vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. Women should also schedule regular check-ups with their healthcare provider to monitor overall health and address any concerns or changes in symptoms.

    In conclusion, women can take proactive steps to improve their health and well-being as they age. By prioritizing regular health screenings, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying physically active, managing stress, prioritizing sleep, focusing on heart health, staying socially connected, and seeking preventive care, women can promote longevity, vitality, and quality of life well into their later years. By embracing these strategies, women can thrive beyond 50 and enjoy a fulfilling and active lifestyle for years to come.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Dr. Nicole Leo, Family Medicine provider with Shore Physicians Group’s office in Marmora, located at 4 Roosevelt Boulevard in the Shop Rite Plaza. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leo, call 609-814-9550.

  9. Finding Relief: Strategies to Alleviate Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

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    As the seasons change and flowers bloom, many individuals find themselves grappling with the uncomfortable symptoms of seasonal allergies. From sneezing and itching to congestion and watery eyes, allergies can make it challenging to enjoy the beauty of spring and summer. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies available to help alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms and improve overall quality of life. In this article, we will explore effective methods for finding relief from seasonal allergies and regaining control over your health and well-being.

    Understanding Seasonal Allergies: Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, occur when the immune system overreacts to airborne particles such as pollen, mold spores, or grasses. When exposed to these allergens, the body releases histamines and other chemicals, triggering a cascade of symptoms that can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms of seasonal allergies include:

    • Sneezing
    • Runny or stuffy nose
    • Itchy or watery eyes
    • Scratchy throat
    • Coughing
    • Fatigue
    • Headache

    While seasonal allergies can be bothersome, they are generally not life-threatening. However, they can significantly impact quality of life and may exacerbate underlying respiratory conditions such as asthma. Fortunately, there are many strategies available to help manage and alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms.

    • Minimize Exposure to Allergens: One of the most effective ways to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms is to minimize exposure to allergens. This may include staying indoors during peak pollen times, keeping windows closed, using air purifiers with HEPA filters, and regularly cleaning and dusting your home to remove allergens. When spending time outdoors, wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat can help prevent pollen from coming into contact with your eyes and face.
    • Monitor Pollen Counts: Stay informed about pollen counts in your area by checking local weather forecasts or using online pollen tracking tools. On days when pollen levels are high, consider limiting outdoor activities or taking allergy medications before heading outside. Planning outdoor activities for times when pollen levels are lower, such as after a rainfall, can also help reduce exposure to allergens.
    • Use Over-the-Counter Medications: Over-the-counter allergy medications can provide fast and effective relief from seasonal allergy symptoms. Antihistamines such as loratadine, cetirizine, or fexofenadine can help alleviate sneezing, itching, and runny nose, while decongestants such as pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine can help relieve nasal congestion. Nasal sprays containing corticosteroids can also help reduce inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages.
    • Try Natural Remedies: Several natural remedies may provide relief from seasonal allergy symptoms without the side effects associated with medications. These include:
      • Saline nasal irrigation: Using a saline nasal rinse or neti pot can help flush out allergens and irritants from the nasal passages, reducing congestion and inflammation.
      • Local honey: Some people find relief from seasonal allergies by consuming locally produced honey, which may contain trace amounts of pollen that can help desensitize the immune system.
      • Quercetin: This natural antioxidant found in foods like apples, onions, and citrus fruits may help stabilize mast cells and reduce the release of histamines, potentially reducing allergy symptoms.
    • Consider Allergy Immunotherapy: For individuals with severe or persistent seasonal allergies, allergy immunotherapy may be a viable treatment option. This approach involves exposing the body to gradually increasing doses of allergens over time, either through allergy shots or sublingual tablets or drops. Immunotherapy can help desensitize the immune system to allergens and reduce the severity of allergy symptoms over time.

    Seasonal allergies can be a source of frustration and discomfort for many individuals, but they don’t have to disrupt your life. By taking proactive steps to minimize exposure to allergens, using over-the-counter medications, trying natural remedies, and considering allergy immunotherapy, you can effectively manage and alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs and enjoy the beauty of the seasons with greater comfort and ease

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Nashat, Family Medicine provider with Shore Physicians Group. Dr. Nashat treats patients at Shore Physicians Group’s office located at 401 Bethel Road in Somers Point. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nashat, call 609-365-6200.

  10. The Catch of the Day: Are High-Seafood Diets a Risk for Forever Chemicals?

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    As people seek healthier dietary choices, seafood often emerges as a favored option. Rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals, it seems like the perfect addition to a balanced diet. However, recent studies have raised concerns about the potential risks associated with consuming seafood: specifically, the exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as “forever chemicals.” PFAS are often referred to as forever chemicals because they do not break down easily in the environment and can remain in the human body for years.

    PFAS are a group of man-made chemicals that are used in a variety of industrial and consumer products, including non-stick cookware, food packaging, and firefighting foam. These chemicals have been found to persist in the environment and accumulate in the food chain, including seafood, thus prompting questions about their safety for human consumption.

    The Connection Between Seafood and PFAS

    Studies have highlighted the connection between high-seafood diets and increased exposure to PFAS. A recent study from Dartmouth College found that individuals who consume a high-seafood diet may face increased exposure to PFAS. The study analyzed the levels of PFAS in seafood samples from various locations and species. Results showed that some types of fish and shellfish, particularly those sourced from contaminated waters or species higher up the food chain, contained higher concentrations of PFAS. These findings suggest a potential risk for individuals with high-seafood diets, emphasizing the need for consumers to be mindful of the types of seafood they consume and the sources from which they are obtained.

    Who Is Most at Risk?

    People who consume large amounts of seafood, particularly from potentially contaminated areas, are at the greatest risk of PFAS exposure. This includes individuals who rely on seafood as a primary source of protein, such as coastal communities or certain cultural groups with traditional seafood-based diets.

    Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of PFAS exposure. These chemicals have been linked to various health issues, including hormone disruption, an increased risk of certain cancers, immune system impairments, and developmental problems in infants and children.

    What Can Be Done?

    To mitigate the risk of exposure to PFAS from seafood, individuals can take several steps:

    1. Diversify Seafood Choices: Avoid relying too heavily on a specific type of seafood. Instead, consume a variety of fish and shellfish from different regions to reduce the risk of PFAS accumulation.
    2. Check for Advisories: Stay informed about local fishing advisories, which may include warnings about PFAS contamination. Many state and local health departments provide guidelines on safe seafood consumption.
    3. Choose Low-Risk Species: Some fish species have lower levels of PFAS accumulation. Opt for options like salmon, sardines, or anchovies, which are generally lower in PFAS compared to larger predatory fish such as tuna or swordfish.
    4. Consider Organic and Farmed Seafood: While farmed seafood may not be completely free of PFAS, it may have lower levels compared to wild-caught species in certain areas.
    5. Advocate for Regulation and Transparency: Support efforts to regulate PFAS emissions and increase transparency in the seafood industry. This can help reduce contamination and provide safer seafood options for everyone.

    Seafood remains a valuable part of a healthy diet, offering numerous health benefits. However, it is essential to remain vigilant about the potential risks associated with ‘forever chemicals.’ By making informed choices about the types and sources of seafood, individuals can enjoy the benefits of a high-seafood diet while minimizing their exposure to PFAS. Stay savvy about your seafood options, and you can continue to reel in a diet rich in nutrition and free of unnecessary risks.

    The contents of this article have been reviewed by Dr. Gregory Herman, Family Medicine provider with Shore Physicians Group. Dr. Herman, who has a care philosophy of moderation in everything and variety is the key to life, treats patients at Shore Physicians Group’s office in Marmora, located at 4 Roosevelt Boulevard in the Shop Rite Plaza. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Herman, call 609-814-9550.